MathsJam 2024 - Weekend of November 2nd/3rd

Main web site :

Tickets :

This site has other information, but might be out-of-date.

The main site contains up-to-date information


This is a site to provide all the information needed for the Annual MathsJam Gathering. If you see that there's something missing, please contact us and let us know. Most of the details below apply only to the usual in-person format of MathsJam, and for the online version the main travel logistics will involve visiting a website, the link to which will be made available to you once you've registered, and shortly before the event.

Planning to come

If you're interested in coming to the Annual MathsJam Gathering then here are things you will need to know to make the decision.

We have a limit on the number of delegates. We've never hit it before now, but we have come close. You can check how close we are on the Bookings Progress Chart.

Preparing to come


We do have some advice specific to International Visitors.

Apart from that ...


The MathsJam Activities

Also, for those giving a talk we have: If you'd like to offer a talk you can do so via the link on your booking status page. Note: the link only appears after you've paid.


Other Accommodation

Most people coming to MathsJam will stay at Yarnfield Park, but if you would prefer to stay elsewhere there are some options here.

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