MathsJam 2024 - Weekend of November 2nd/3rd

Main web site :

Tickets :

This site has other information, but might be out-of-date.

The main site contains up-to-date information

The full text of the Code of Conduct is included at the end of this post, so you don't need to download the PDF unless you want to.
The MathsJam has an explicit code of conduct. When it was first introduced in 2016 a few people expressed some surprise. "Is this really necessary?" they said.

Well, the MathsJam weekend has been running since 2010, and so far people have been understanding, inclusive, encouraging, and happily adopted the intended philosophy and culture of having a great time with like-minded friends of all backgrounds. But numbers continue to grow, and the news has been depressingly full of other events, industries, and situations where people have not been so unremittingly positive.

So we think it's important to nail our colours to the mast and put in writing what we intend. The Code of Conduct as currently written most likely isn't perfect, but it's a clear statement of intent. There are probably grey areas, but rather than being nit-picking, legalistic, and prescriptive, we'd simply ask that people take on board the intention, and avoid anything they think might sail too close to the wind.

The Code of Conduct can be found here:

The language there is deliberately blunt and specific. Each of the points there is in response to behaviours that have been reported at other events, and so are a line drawn to make sure that the MathsJam weekend remains as amazingly welcoming as it always has been.

If you have any concerns about the code of conduct, please email any of the organisers, either via the main site, or personally. Concerns will be considered seriously, and anything that improves the statement will be very welcome.

Here is the text of the CoC.

Code of Conduct

We’re keen to make sure that our event is great for everyone, so we present a code of conduct for the day, which we hope you can follow.

Attendees violating these rules may be asked to leave the event and will not be welcome back to our events in future.

If you are subject to, or observe, any harassment, or have any other concerns - please speak to a member of the organising team (specific contacts will make themselves known in the opening sessions) or email Reports will be dealt with discreetly and in confidence

Please be aware of your surroundings and the effect your words and actions have on the people around you. We want everyone to have a great time, and treat each other with respect.

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