MathsJam 2024 - Weekend of November 2nd/3rd

Main web site :

Tickets :

This site has other information, but might be out-of-date.

The main site contains up-to-date information

In previous years delegates have run a shuttle service from Stone station to the venue, and we expect that this will happen again.

If you will have a car and are willing to shuttle people to and from the station, please add your name to the list of shuttle volunteers on the relevant live document here:

A "Shuttle Wrangler" will coordinate the shuttlers on the Friday night (and afternoon) and Saturday morning. In past years this has been done via the whiteboard in the main room first thing on Saturday, with shuttles being assigned as needed. A similar procedure will be followed for lifts home.

For people arriving at Stafford station (STA) or Stoke-On-Trent station (SOT) there are taxis.

See also: Travelling by train

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