MathsJam 2023 - Weekend of November 11th/12th

Tickets that include accommodation now sold out.

Tickets that do not include accommodation are now available.

If you need a residential ticket, email us for the waiting list.

MathsJam Bakeoff

One of the
MathsJam activities
Our now-annual maths baking competition will continue to test your baking skills. There'll be a cake/baked good/confection contest, judged by a randomly[*] selected panel, and anyone attending the conference is welcome to enter. Entry to the competition is free (well, more strictly, it'll cost you approximately one cake or equivalent).

The rules are posted below.

Any food not required for judging purposes will be distributed among the MathsJam gathering attendees, so please bring details of any allergens or other ingredients your entry contains so they can be labelled.

Photographs of previous MathsJam Bakeoff entries can be found here:

If you have any questions about the bake-off, please email

If you're attending MathsJam remotely, there won't be a way to enter the bakeoff, but if you bake something at home and want us to add a photo to the gallery, you can email the photo to and we'll include it.

[*] You know it ...

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