MathsJam 2024 - Weekend of November 2nd/3rd

Main web site :

Tickets :

This site has other information, but might be out-of-date.

The main site contains up-to-date information

This document is still in draft form, and may change at short notice. Some of its content may be false. Please do not (yet) rely on anything here.

MathsJam 2023 is going to be fully hybrid, both in-person and with an on-line component for those who are unable or unwilling to attend in person. We are committed to doing all we can to make the event accessible, so if you feel that your situation is in any way unusual or may need particular attention, please get in touch so we can make sure we are aware of what needs to be done.

Colin Wright

MathsJam Accessibility Statement

General principle

MathsJam is intended to be open to all who sign up to the Code of Conduct.

We aim to make the Gathering easily accessible for everyone by default. We will do all we can to accommodate requests, even those at short notice or not known about in advance.

In addition, Yarnfield Park's website ( states:

Our experience is that the venue lives up to this commitment, or else the Gathering would be held elsewhere.

This accessibility statement complements the MathsJam Code of Conduct.

If there is anything we've missed from the details below, or anything we can do to help you (or anyone else) access the Gathering, please get in touch with Colin Wright (click the link) and we'll do all we can to put it right.

The venue: Yarnfield Park

Venue website:

Google maps:

Volunteer shuttle

Delegates self-organise a shuttle service of lifts to and from Stone station, both at the start and end of the conference. We appreciate that this may not be appropriate for all delegates; if you have alternative transportation needs, please let us know ahead of time so we do what we can to accommodate them.

Entrance and reception

All of the buildings at Yarnfield Park are wheelchair-accessible, with lifts serving every floor. Reception can be reached 24/7 on 01795 762 605.


The car park is slightly tricky to find, although new signage that has been in place since the 2019 Gathering has made it easier. The venue provides a helpful map:

There are designated car parking spaces in the main car park for blue badge holders. Reception (01795 762 605) is happy to help if you need special assistance from the car park.


All floors of the accommodation blocks are served by lifts. Yarnfield Park has four accessible en-suite bedrooms; please let us know when booking if you will require one of these.


Details for dinners on Friday night and Sunday night are Still To Come.
Four hot meals are included in the price of the Gathering - lunch and dinner on Saturday, and breakfast and lunch on Sunday. If you are staying Friday night and/or Sunday night, breakfast is included. Arrangements for dinner on Friday and Sunday are yet to be confirmed.

All meals are served in the canteen. Food is cafeteria-style with hot food served for you, and self-service soup, salad, desserts and drinks. There are usually three hot food options, including one vegetarian. If we know about any dietary requirements in advance, we can ensure you receive appropriate meals. If carrying a tray would be difficult or inconvenient, please let us know; venue staff will be happy to assist.

If you have severe allergies, please let us know well in advance so we can make the appropriate preparations.

There can be long queues for food, especially towards the start of meal times.

Our allotted eating times are quite long, and eating slightly later in the break can avoid having to wait in line.

The room

MathsJam takes place in a large room with round tables. It can be difficult to navigate. We try to ensure a clear path around the back and front of the room to allow everyone to move around freely; however, immediately after each session, there is often a blockage in front of the stage while people discuss talks with the speakers.

There is only one exit from the room, and because the room layout is rather tight, it is not always easy to leave discreetly from the centre of the room mid-session.

Leaving from the edges of the room is more straightforward.

We are considering how best to improve access to, from and around the room.

Session structure

The MathsJam Gathering consists of several sessions, each containing six to eight five-minute talks. In each talk, usually one person speaks; occasionally, there is audience participation. Any such participation should be arranged beforehand; under no circumstances will you be placed under any pressure to participate in a way you do not wish to.

Between talks, an MC gives information; there is applause between speakers.

Accessible toilets

Yarnfield Park has unisex accessible toilets on both floors of the main conference centre.

Hearing loop

All MathsJam speakers use a microphone, and the venue provides a portable induction loop for hearing-aid users.


The lingua franca of the MathsJam Gathering is English, but we are very sympathetic to speakers of other languages and do our best to make things clear. If you are nervous about your English, first: please don't be! and second: please let us know when booking and we'll make an extra effort to make you feel welcome.

There are some thoughts on providing Language Assistance for anyone who is a little worried about their ability in English. Click that link to find out more.

Quiet space

The main MathsJam room, break area and dining areas can be noisy at break times.

Conference rooms near to the main MathsJam room are usually left empty, and are available for anyone who wants or needs quiet and/or solitude. We have not had a formal quiet space at previous Gatherings, but are considering introducing a designated area for the 2023 event.

Assistance dogs

Assistance dogs are welcome at Yarnfield Park.


The stage currently requires speakers to climb two steps. If you would require step-free access to the stage, please let us know and we will work with the venue to ensure you can fully participate in the Gathering.

If standing to give a talk would cause difficulty, we can easily provide a chair.

Medical emergencies

In the event of a medical emergency, members of the Yarnfield Park staff are trained in first aid and will provide immediate assistance.


In the unlikely event that the venue needs to be evacuated, trained staff will ensure you leave the building safely and quickly.

Accessibility statement details and contact

This accessibility statement is maintained by Colin Beveridge

If anything is missing or needs correcting - or if you have questions - please tell me. I will investigate, update the statement as necessary and let you know.

Alternatively, there is a Google form to provide anonymous feedback.[->]

MathsJam Gathering Accessibility Statement - version 0.6 - 2023-08-01

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