MathsJam 2024 - Weekend of November 2nd/3rd

Main web site :

Tickets :

This site has other information, but might be out-of-date.

The main site contains up-to-date information

2020/11/20 Joining Instructions

These are the "Joining Instructions" for the MathsJam weekend, 2020.


We're still scrambling madly behind the scenes to make sure things run as smoothly as possible, reassured by the knowledge that the MathsJam Tribe is comprised of lovely people who understand that things can go wrong, and will pitch in to help if asked. So in advance, I thank you all for that.

But MathsJam 2020 starts tonight, and here is the information you will need. Please read this email carefully, as there isn't time to answer again anything that's covered here.

This is a long email, but I think it's all important. Of course I would say that, but this covers all the questions people have recently asked, so please skim this so you know what's here.



Either I have your payment, or I have accepted your promise that you will pay, so I'll proceed as if it's all sorted and assume it will all work out.

If you've been to MathsJam weekends before, this will feel familiar. If you haven't then it's worth reading around on the Wiki to get a sense of the chaos in which you are about to participate.

The schedule has now been posted. We have included time between sessions for people to chat, but also a "Real Break" time where we encourage people to step away from their computers and look through a window, or walk around for a bit.

The schedule is here:

The list of speakers and titles (as they currently stand) is here:

A link to a page with the abstracts is further down.

There is still time to enter competition competition and bake-off:

If you are giving a talk then we need to work with you on Friday night and/or Saturday morning to help both you and us prepare. The notes for speakers page is still relevant:

If you're offering a talk, please use the play space to practise!

We also have a document that lists some of the various features ... several people have printed this out to keep "to hand" and reference:

It's not complete, but it serves to give you an idea.

We recommend using headphones if you can to avoid "loop back" and feedback problems. A simple telephone hands-free kit is better than nothing, and can be very effective.

If there's a problem, reload your tab, or close and then re-open your browser.

You will need to use a laptop (or desktop) machine running either Firefox or Chrome. This is clearly stated on your booking status page, and while we will help as much as we can, our time is quite limited.

Meals ...

Some people will want to close their connection and go and eat in peace and quiet, while others will want to re-create the shared dining experience. We have set up a "dining area" in our venue, so if you want to have a meal while talking to others, we ask that you go there to eat. There is no obligation to eat "on camera" !! But you can if you like, we just ask that you do it in the dining area.

(If you haven't yet visited the Play Space, this might not make much sense. It will. Probably.)

News will be announced here:

We'll do the best we can to keep this up-to-date, but no promises.

Talks so far, with abstracts:

And finally ...

You will need the link and password for the actually MathsJam space. If you do not have that, you must send

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