MathsJam 2024 - Weekend of November 2nd/3rd

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One of the
MathsJam activities
On Saturday evening there will be the opportunity for people to run an activity. This can be anything from learning how to play Go, playing games of Set, making things with origami, learning to spin/knit/crochet, and more. The person proposing the activity must provide instructions and guidance for attendees to learn a new thing, make something or do something fun - as long as it uses readily available materials/equipment or things they can access online.

In order to allow more people to see more of the activities, we'll be splitting them into two overlapping sessions - one running from 8pm-9pm, and the other from 8.30pm-9.30pm. The activity proposer must be prepared to stay in their area (if this is necessary for their activity to happen) during the scheduled time slot on the Saturday evening, although activities may continue afterwards if everyone is happy to. There is no need to book to attend a table, and you may visit as many as you wish during the evening. There may be capacity limits on some activities, but there will be plenty of options so hopefully everyone can find something to do!

People running tables will also get a 30 second talk slot during the day in a special lightning session to explain/advertise their activity.

List of Table Activities

Earlier Session (8pm-9pm)

Later Session (8.30pm-9.30pm)

Whole evening (8pm onwards)

More complete descriptions

A Shogi (Adam Atkinson)

Shogi is a Japanese game related to chess. People can learn the rules and/or play the game.

B Craft table (Karen Hancock)

Bring your own craft activity to do or learn to spin (spindle and electric wheel available this year), knit or crochet.

C Games on Chessboards (Alexander Bolton)

I will bring some games that should be of interest to maths fans. They all take place on chessboards (or very similar grids). No knowledge of chess required.

D Drawing Hacks (Katie Steckles / Andrew Taylor)

Some mathematical objects or symbols are complicated and difficult to draw. We'll be sharing our favourite tips and tricks to make drawing things easier. Bring along your own favourite cheats and we'll build up a collection of tips to share (which I can post on afterwards!)

E Your local maths history (Peter Rowlett, Tom Briggs and Katie Steckles)

Think the history of mathematics is all about Greeks in togas and 17th century Frenchmen writing letters? Want to find about about how the history of maths connects to your part of the British Isles? Or: do you have stories of maths history where you live that you can share? Come along and find out how you can get involved in sharing and discovering local maths history connections?

F Mathematical Model Building (Donald Bell)

Make models of polyhedra of all kinds - the Platonic, Archimedean and Johnson solids. Also some Stewart toroids. Even a tentative venture into (a few) four dimensional Polytopes. A big kit of Magformers (magnetic triangles, squares, pentagons and hexagons). And a good supply of Zome Tools (plastic balls and sticks) for making the models that Magformers can't.

G Playing card games with tarot cards (George Witty)

In the English-speaking world, tarot cards are associated largely with fortune telling and the occult. However, tarot cards were originally invented for playing card games, and in certain European countries, traditional tarot card games are still played. Together, we will learn to play a traditional tarot card game and discuss a little bit about other tarot games. No experience with tarot cards, or card games is needed, but a willingness to accept the quirks of a game that has been developed over centuries is useful!!

H Turing Machine - The game (Matt Peperell)

Turing Machine is a game published in 2022 suitable for 1-4 players based on deductive logic. I'll bring my copy of the game to give other people a chance to play the game. No equipment needed.

I Chalkdust presents Task-maths-ter (Clare Wallace)

Like the popular TV show Taskmaster, but maths themed. Join in - there's a Chalkdust t-shirt up for grabs for the winner!

J Making a Maths Video (Colin Wright)

In this session we will script, record, edit, and upload a short short maths video. Maybe.

K Board Games Table (self-organising)

This table will be set up for anyone who wants to play general board games. Bring your own games, and find someone to play with!

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