MathsJam 2024 - Weekend of November 2nd/3rd

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This is provisional, and may change.

Below is the 2023 talks schedule.


SESSION 1a 14:00-14:40

1 : A - MathsJam Team : Welcome to MathsJam
2 : B - Peter Rowlett : Am I related to Henry VIII's Master of the Mint? Are you?
3 : C - Alyssa Burlton : MathsJam Presentation Presentation
4 : D - Michael Gibson : A Talk You Will Either Love Or Hate
5 : E - Fredrik Kirkemo and Ida Soland Thu : The Rubik's Dice
6 : F - Sam Hartburn : Ten to the Top, but Nine to the What?

SESSION 1b 15:10pm-15:50

1 : A - Jørn Hafver : A(I) useless robot
2 : B - Ben Ashforth : Road Trip
3 : C - Alison Kiddle : Guess who doesn't belong
4 : D - Phil Ramsden : Sliderules II: the Kolmogorov Connection
5 : E - Daniel Johnson : From Numberblocks to Polyominoes
6 : F - Tarim : Illogical Song Lyrics

SESSION 1c 16:20-17:00

1 : A - Hugh Hunt : Pi Pong
2 : B - Robin Houston : Simpler Substitution for Spectres
3 : C - Luna Kirkby : Buz: A Fizz Buzz Story
4 : D - Donald Bell : Rectangling Squares and Rectangles
5 : E - David Hartburn : How to avoid zombies
6 : F - Nessa Carson : Molecules that barely exist

SESSION 1d 17:30-18:10

1 : A - Sammie Buzzard : Spurious mathematical claims? How much of Antarctica is really penguin pee?
2 : B - Colin Graham : Know your place!
3 : C - Tom Briggs : Secret Histories: Spotting the Hidden Maths in Museums
4 : D - Alexander Bolton : Abundant Numbers
5 : Saturday night tables : Elevator Pitches


SESSION 2a 08:45-09:30

1 : A - Matt Parker : Calculating Pi by hand
2 : B - Bob Huxley : When is Pi Day on Mars?
3 : C - Annette Margolis : Our preferred way of solving a quadratic is
4 : D - John Hoskinson : Beyond Diffy Squares
5 : E - Alistair Bird : Speaking truth to powers
6 : F - Adam Atkinson : DOCTIAL
7 : G - Harlan Connor : Winning the loudness war

SESSION 2b 10:00-10:45

1 : A - Alex Arthur : A Sleepy German Village with an odd fountain
2 : B - Tony Mann : An amusing magic square
3 : C - Gavan Fantom : Meet the Flight Computer - a glorified slide rule
4 : D - Miles Gould : Surprising turns
5 : E - Vanessa Madu : An Alternative Approach to Mathematical Modelling
6 : F - Joey Marianer : The True Prisoner's Dilemma
7 : G - Andrew Taylor : Rotating an image without rotation

SESSION 2c 11:15-11:55

1 : A - Matt Peperell : Showing off my curves
2 : B - Pedro Freitas : A 19th century lottery - with a deck of cards
3 : C - Ben Handley : How square is a circle?
4 : D - Clare Wallace : Skittles: count the rainbow?

SESSION 2d 12:25-12:50

1 : A - Adam Townsend : Differential equations make pretty moving patterns (and now you can too)
2 : B - Hannah Gray : Gender in the Groove: Are Half Our Tunes Topped by Dudes?
3 : C - Colin Wright : The Moebius Rollercoaster
4 : D - MathsJam Team : Wrap-up and thanks

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