MathsJam 2024 - Weekend of November 2nd/3rd
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Testing, testing, 1, 10, 11
This page is here so new editors can try things out.
Single pling heading
Double pling heading
Triple pling heading
- Single splat list
- Double splat
Elementary | Table |
Layout | is possible |
Note the | embedded line-feed |
You can put things in boxes, left or right,
with a specific percentage size. |
There's not much more formatting possible.
You can't do much to control the exact layout
You can work it out.
I can indeed work it out. I think I want to avoid changing the editing permissions though?
For example, where it says
Who can edit this page
and the options are
If I change it to admin then I will no longer be able to edit it myself?
- If you don't have admin access, then no, you won't.
You can put arbitrary text for a link[->]
Put the text in square brackets and the link in round brackets.
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