MathsJam 2024 - Weekend of November 2nd/3rd

Main web site :

Tickets :

This site has other information, but might be out-of-date.

The main site contains up-to-date information

This is an archive copy of the page for MathsJam 2021 ...

MathsJam Bakeoff

One of the
MathsJam activities
Our now-annual maths baking competition will continue to test your baking skills. There'll be a cake/baked good/confection contest, and anyone attending the conference is welcome to enter. Entry to the competition is free (well, more strictly, it'll cost you approximately one cake or equivalent).

The rules are posted below.

Photographs of previous MathsJam Bakeoff entries can be found here: If you have any questions about the bake-off, please email

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