MathsJam 2024 - Weekend of November 2nd/3rd
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This is an archive copy of the page for MathsJam 2021 ...
Our now-annual maths baking competition will continue to test
your baking skills. There'll be a cake/baked good/confection
contest, and anyone attending the conference is welcome to enter.
Entry to the competition is free (well, more strictly, it'll cost you
approximately one cake or equivalent).
The rules are posted below.
- You must bake/otherwise create a mathematically interesting cake/baked good/confection, and take a photograph or video of it. Since we'd like you to have baked your entry specifically for this event, the photo should include a piece of paper with 'MathsJam 2021' written on it. (Please don't submit old photos of things you baked ages ago, no matter how good they were).
- You can submit your entry by email to and it will appear in our gallery of bakes which people can visit during the weekend. You can also include a title, or any relevant details people might want to know to fully appreciate your cake. Any entries received before or during the weekend will be added, but the later it's added the fewer people will see it to vote.
- Judging will be undertaken by vote among gathering attendees; details of how to vote for your favourite cake will be added alongside the gallery of bakes. A prize will be awarded for the most popular entry, and we'll contact the winner to send this out by post after the event.
- Sadly, the task of eating your entry will fall entirely on you and anyone in your house. If you'd like to label any allergens for old times' sake, please do, but you'll be the only one(s) eating it.
Photographs of previous
MathsJam Bakeoff entries can be found here:
If you have any questions about the bake-off, please email
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