MathsJam 2024 - Weekend of November 2nd/3rd

Main web site :

Tickets :

This site has other information, but might be out-of-date.

The main site contains up-to-date information

COVID Policy

To try to make the MathsJam Gathering as safe as we can while still striking a balance between safety, fun, and convenience, we have created the following policy.

If possible, you should aim to do a RLFT every day you are on site. If you don't have access to RFLT tests before coming, let us know when you arrive and we can give you one to take on the spot before the sessions start. If a positive COVID test prevents you from attending some or all of the event, we will be happy to refund all or part of your ticket as needed, and Remote Attendance is available if you still want to join in from home.

We will not require people to wear masks during the event, but invite people to wear masks if they are more comfortable doing so.

If you have any questions or concerns about any of this then feel free to contact us by email -

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