MathsJam 2024 - Weekend of November 2nd/3rd

Main web site :

Tickets :

This site has other information, but might be out-of-date.

The main site contains up-to-date information

Review Pending for
MathsJam 2020
It's important that people get sent emails when they should, and equally importantly, don't get sent emails when they shouldn't. We have multiple lists of email addresses, and deciding from them who should get sent an email and who shouldn't isn't always completely straight-forward.

So here is the explanation of how the decision is made.

Firstly, we have several lists:

Derived from delegate lists

  • People who have paid this year
  • People who have reserved a room this year
  • People who have registered this year
  • People who have attended in previous years

Other lists of addresses

  • Addresses that have bounced
  • An explicit list of "omit"
  • BlackList
  • NotThisYear list
  • WhiteList

So here is the process to make a decision. Scan down the conditions in the left column and when you find one that matches, the entry on the right gives you the decision.

For someone on this list ... ... do this
Bounced Don't email
Omit Don't email
PAID Email
RSVD Email
NotThisYear & REGD Ask for confirmation
NotThisYear Don't email
BlackList & REGD Ask for confirmation
BlackList & WhiteList Ask for confirmation
BlackList Don't email
REGD Email
PAST Email
WhiteList Email

Yes, there are people have have put themselves on the blacklist, and yet are registered for this year's MathsJam. No, I don't understand it, but there we go. Maybe it was a mistake, who can tell.

Similarly there are people who have clicked on the "Not This Year" link, and yet have chosen to register.

Oh well.

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