MathsJam 2024 - Weekend of November 2nd/3rd

Main web site :

Tickets :

This site has other information, but might be out-of-date.

The main site contains up-to-date information

The Team

The MathsJam team is headed by Colin Wright, with some advisers to assist.

Colin Wright

Colin has a Ph.D. from Cambridge and has worked as a research mathematician, and done research in computing. He is director of a company that develops systems to do the maritime version of Air Traffic Control, but is now a full time freelancer in STEM outreach, travelling around the UK and the world giving lectures on how and why maths can be interesting, fun, useful and even on occasion, exciting.

Colin's website:

Katie Steckles

Katie Steckles is a mathematician based in Manchester, who gives talks and workshops on different areas of maths. She finished her PhD in 2011, and since then has talked about maths in schools, at science festivals, on BBC radio, at music festivals, as part of theatre shows and on the internet. She enjoys doing puzzles, solving the Rubik's cube and baking things shaped like maths.

Katie's website:

Adam Atkinson

Adam does an amazing job of proof-reading, and winkling out unexpected and unintended interpretations. As a result the website and emails are much, much better than they would be without his attention to detail.

He also has a wonderful collection of toys and games. In Pisa, they call him "L'Omino dei Giochi"

Sam Holloway

Sam is our terrific tech tamer - a longer description will come later ...

There are more still to come ...

We couldn't do this without significant support from many, many volunteers, most of whom have declined to appear here.

To them all - thank you.

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