MathsJam 2024 - Weekend of November 2nd/3rd
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Here we gather specific information for speakers:
- Thank you for submitting a talk - it's been accepted! Please go ahead and prepare your talk.
- Once all talks have been confirmed, we will release the order of talks.
- A strict time limit of 5 minutes will be enforced.
- If possible, please send us your slides ahead of time - email the slides as an attachment, or a link to a file share if they're big, to We can pre-load them on a computer at the venue, and won't need to chase you for a copy to upload to the archive (see below).
- It's OK to use your own laptop, but please make sure we know if you're doing this so we can coordinate.
Other information about your talk:
- With 5 minutes, you will not have time to go into much detail on a topic - the idea is to give a flavour of a topic or idea, or state a puzzle. If you think people might like to hear more about it, ask them to come and speak to you afterwards. Please run your talk through beforehand to check it will be within 5 minutes. Don't prepare too many slides!
- Please be ready to go to the front of the room during the talk before yours, to be fitted with a microphone. This will be a lapel clip radio mic, so you can talk with your hands free, and will clip to the front of your clothing.
- Our standard policy is that speakers stay at the front of the room for the duration of the coffee break following the session their talk is in, if they're happy to do this - a gofer will be assigned to get you a drink but people should be able to come and find you there to ask questions.
- Our MathsJam audience is super friendly, loves maths and anything related, and very forgiving. It consists of around 190 people, seated at large round tables in a wide room, from many different backgrounds and levels of experience. For any given interesting mathematical fact, there will be a significant number of people who have not heard it before and will be excited to learn about it for the first time from you. (And a few others who will enjoy being smug that they knew it already).
- Sharing policies:
- Our Code of Conduct requires permission from people before taking photos. Since this isn't possible if someone's on stage, we will assume that anyone giving a talk has given their permission for people to do that, unless stated otherwise. If you'd prefer people not to share what you're talking about online, or take photos of you during your talk, please say 'no photos please' at the start of your talk. No reason or context for this request is necessary.
- If you would like a video of your talk for personal use, our official videographer will be available to film talks during one of the sessions. If you would like your talk to be in this session, please email with details of where you'd like the video sending, and your name/talk title.
- We will be documenting the event on the MathsJam twitter account. In your submission form you were asked for any links/handles/content of use to the Twitter team, so people following at home could learn more about your topic if applicable. If you missed anything off the form, please send it to
- There will also be an archive of talks afterwards (, where we'll share slides and talk descriptions. If you're not happy for us to share your slides, please let us know as soon as possible. If you are bringing your own laptop, please send whatever version of your slides you'd like us to share through to as soon as possible so we can add them to the archive.
Thanks again for your submission and we look forward to hearing your talk at MathsJam!
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