MathsJam 2024 - Weekend of November 2nd/3rd

Main web site :

Tickets :

This site has other information, but might be out-of-date.

The main site contains up-to-date information

We have the CoC, but that doesn't cover the ethos and culture of MathsJams in general.

On the one hand ...

We want to be inclusive;

  • encourage new mathsjammers to join in with discussions and groups,
  • look out for people who might feel left out or excluded and offer to engage with them.
  • Ask people if they'd mind if you join them for lunch or dinner, or invite them to join you.
  • Share your enthusiasm for maths and puzzles, not just with the people that you know but with people that you don't know.

On the other hand ...

We want people to feel comfortable ...

Some people are not naturally sociable people, and basically want to be left alone to enjoy the talks, puzzles, games, and atmosphere without being approached by people they don't know.

We want these people also to feel welcome, comfortable, and to enjoy the event.

We recognise that reconciling these two is not easy, and will require people to be aware of the differences and nuances.

There are no easy answers, but if you are friendly and welcoming without being insistent or imposing, probably all will be well.

More still to come on this ...

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