MathsJam 2024 - Weekend of November 2nd/3rd

Main web site :

Tickets :

This site has other information, but might be out-of-date.

The main site contains up-to-date information

If you're in touch with other people who are attending the event remotely, you might consider arranging to spend the conference days at someone's house or a neutral venue, watch the talks together on a shared screen, and spend the "real-world" breaks talking to each other, sharing catering etc.

If you do this, you should make sure you also have a way to "attend" the space individually during the online breaks, as this will be your chance to walk around and talk to the other conference attendees. Bring separate laptops/computers/tablets[0] for everyone who wants to do this, and we would recommend moving into different rooms within the house, or being far apart within the same room, as well as using headphones to ensure your sound isn't picked up by other microphones, since otherwise there will be overlap/feedback.

Each connection to Gather Town will require a ticket, but a single connection with multiple people watching is fine.

[0] Gather Town support for tablets is currently patchy, sub-optimal, and constantly changing. For the latest information, visit:

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