Formatting Stage Five

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Advice For New Users

You can include images in your pages. If the image is somewhere out on the web, simply put the full URL of the image and it will appear inline.

If the image is on this web site you can just put "IMG:" followed by the name of the image file.

You can include equations - see the Maths Mode page for more details.

Testing times ...

You might now want to head over to the Sandbox to do some testing. Please confine tests to that page, but if you see other places that can do with a bit of tidying, do it!

All the formatting is demonstrated on that page and on the Test Page. To see how to achieve a particular effect, click on the "Edit This page" link at the top right or bottom of the page and look at the plain text version.

Above all, content is everything!

You might also want to see how we go about creating pages.

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