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So, what happens at a MathsJam? The MathsJam weekend is basically a time to get together and simply relax in the company of people who like the same kind of stuff you do. It's a gathering of the tribe, as it were. Primarily, there is time to chat with people. But we also traditionally run some activities run alongside the programme of talks: * MathsJam Bakeoff * Competition Competition * Saturday evening tables * MathsJam Jam We'll also have Tables at the Back of the Room, one of which is labelled 'Things to take away' and the other 'Things to play with and leave here'. If you've got anything you think people might like to play with that you'd be happy to leave there, or things you'd kindly like to bring to give away, you're welcome to put things on these tables, and to play with/take things from the tables as appropriate.