Editing BookingsProgressChart_2022
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[[[> https://www.solipsys.co.uk/images/MathsJamBookings_2022a.png ]]] ! MathsJam Bookings 2022 _ /(so/far/...)/ In some ways I have this here to let people know when the deadline is getting close, and bookings are filling up. But in other ways it's simply to reassure me that people really will come to the event. The chart is showing both in-person and remote attendees, which have different limits, hence the two dotted limit lines, and the two "linear projection" lines giving an indication to people of how bookings are going. Thanks to a chance remark by one delegate I will now forever think of this as "The Graph of Doom". Exactly whose doom is not quite clear ... ---- From here, here are some pages you might like to visit: * Front Page * How to register * Code of conduct * Travelling To The Venue ** (sort of) ----