Most recent change of InternationalVisitors

Edit made on August 29, 2023 by ColinWright at 21:18:05

Deleted text in red / Inserted text in green

! International payments ...

(In 2022

In 2023
we are using Eventbrite instead of direct payments so payments
the below information about International Payments is not relevant.)

International payments are a complete pain: expensive, and inconvenient.
Options so far are:

* Standard international bank transfer
** This can be expensive with bank fees and non-competitive exchange rates

* TransferWise
** This is open and transparent;
** A friend of Colin's uses TransferWise and
no longer
directly relevant. It
has provided a referral link:

* Revolut:

* We do not accept PayPal

* We are looking
been moved to implement Credit Card payments via Stripe
** This is under investigation, updates will follow as they happen.

Currently we recommend, if possible, using TransferWise.
its own page for

The MathsJam Annual Gathering has been honoured in the past
to welcome international visitors from several countries. We
like to try to make things as easy as possible, but we are
limited as to the support we can offer.

Here is some information.

you are (or might be) an international visitor and you have
any concerns or alternative suggestions concerning anything,
please send - we would be happy
to hear from you.


Whilst not all international attendees speak languages other
than English, and some people living in the UK do speak languages
other than English, this is probably as good a place as any to
mention that we are accepting talk proposals in languages other
than English this year. They will be not be among the 50-ish
main talks and will not clash with them. Be aware that you might
be offering a talk in a language only you speak. We have no
objection to this.

You may submit a non-English talk proposal as well as an English
talk proposal. For the moment the way to submit non-English talk
proposals is to edit the live document:


!! Travel
Most of our international visitors will be travelling by air,
and so that page has information about airports and onward
travel. You can also find out more about travelling by train,
and about train tickets, always an adventure in the UK.

* Travelling by air
* Travelling by train
* Train tickets

!! Visas
Regarding visas - we can offer no advice. Requirements
vary from country to country and change constantly. We
can't research all the options - that's up to you. We can
provide documentation stating that the event is happening,
but we can't sponsor you, or otherwise give any guarantees.

We believe that you can visit the UK on a visitor visa
and then simply attend the gathering, but you'll have
to confirm this for yourself.


!! Brexit

EU citizens almost certainly need to get passports instead of relying on identity cards
being acceptable.

!! English

There are some thoughts on providing Language Assistance
for anyone who is a little worried about their ability in
English. Click that link to find out more.

!! References
Here are some links to the UK Government's pages on visas:

