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%3 N_20200717210618a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 21:06:18a -------------------------------- "Mistakes" always feel worse to you on stage, but the audience may not even realise.        (select only this node)     N_20200717210618b_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 21:06:18b -------------------------------- They can be used as points of humour to engage an audience, certainly as points of reflection as a practitioner afterwards        (select only this node)     N_20200717210618a_BIG_Members->N_20200717210618b_BIG_Members N_20200717210744a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 21:07:44a -------------------------------- Intentional mistakes and experiments designed to go wrong can be great for learning - and for comedy value        (select only this node)     N_20200717190502a_BIG_Admin    By BIG_Admin 2020/07/17 @ 19:05:02a -------------------------------- What's the positive?        (select only this node)     N_20200717205025a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:50:25a -------------------------------- Learning for the future        (select only this node)     N_20200717190502a_BIG_Admin->N_20200717205025a_BIG_Members N_20200717203829a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:38:29a -------------------------------- Acknowledging a failure is a STRENGTH!        (select only this node)     N_20200717190502a_BIG_Admin->N_20200717203829a_BIG_Members N_20200717190502b_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 19:05:02b -------------------------------- Coming out of our comfort zones gives us new opportunities to do different stuff and reach different people        (select only this node)     N_20200717190502a_BIG_Admin->N_20200717190502b_BIG_Members N_20200717202356a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:23:56a -------------------------------- Be honest and learn from your mistakes        (select only this node)     N_20200717190502a_BIG_Admin->N_20200717202356a_BIG_Members N_20200717201932a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:19:32a -------------------------------- Maybe 'failure' is the wrong word        (select only this node)     N_20200717190502a_BIG_Admin->N_20200717201932a_BIG_Members N_20200717190215a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 19:02:15a -------------------------------- Make sure you don't overpromise!        (select only this node)     N_20200717190215b_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 19:02:15b -------------------------------- I have definitely done this too often        (select only this node)     N_20200717190215a_BIG_Members->N_20200717190215b_BIG_Members N_20200717203534b_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:35:34b -------------------------------- Sometimes your organisation might not want to hear about failure - find a way to process it and improve your individual practice        (select only this node)     N_20200717203721b_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:37:21b -------------------------------- (when culturally appropriate)        (select only this node)     N_20200717204152a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:41:52a -------------------------------- Ask the experts!        (select only this node)     N_20200717204152b_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:41:52b -------------------------------- if you recognise you need the extra training, go to people that know more than you (whenever possible). Listen to members of the communities you want to serve        (select only this node)     N_20200717204152a_BIG_Members->N_20200717204152b_BIG_Members N_20200717204344a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:43:44a -------------------------------- We discussed what kind of objects people actually *can* find around the home & what can be used if you don't have e.g. paperclips. Necessity, invention etc        (select only this node)     N_20200717204454a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:44:54a -------------------------------- You shouldn't try to hide mistakes from funders, as being honest about what went wrong can help to make events better/funding more successful in the future.        (select only this node)     N_20200717204515a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:45:15a -------------------------------- And funders encouraging this is always fab.        (select only this node)     N_20200717204454a_BIG_Members->N_20200717204515a_BIG_Members N_20200717204622a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:46:22a -------------------------------- Failure is important for learning and progressing in science - so a great thing to teach our audiences.        (select only this node)     N_20200717210434a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 21:04:34a -------------------------------- Some failures matter more than others        (select only this node)     N_20200717204622a_BIG_Members->N_20200717210434a_BIG_Members N_20200717204646a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:46:46a -------------------------------- You can always learn something, especially from 'failure' so that's always a positive, but it doesn't mean that you do have to think in advance about 'how' you will learn.        (select only this node)     N_20200717204622a_BIG_Members->N_20200717204646a_BIG_Members N_20200717210050a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 21:00:50a -------------------------------- You can always learn, especially from 'failure' but it means than you do need to think in advance about the process of how you will learn.        (select only this node)     N_20200717204622a_BIG_Members->N_20200717210050a_BIG_Members N_20200717204708a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:47:08a -------------------------------- The trial and error involved in science communication is a lovely mirror to the same process in science itself #howscienceworks        (select only this node)     N_20200717204909b_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:49:09b -------------------------------- Even if co-production is an important part of your work, you need to start somewhere, probably with some tried and tested, accessible activities.        (select only this node)     N_20200717205041a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:50:41a -------------------------------- Build what you've learnt into future plans so others can learn from you/be protected from the same experience        (select only this node)     N_20200717205025a_BIG_Members->N_20200717205041a_BIG_Members N_20200717205041b_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:50:41b -------------------------------- (I was nearly assaulted, I ensure my events team have back up).        (select only this node)     N_20200717190247a_BIG_Admin    By BIG_Admin 2020/07/17 @ 19:02:47a -------------------------------- What we discussed        (select only this node)     N_20200717190343a_BIG_Admin    By BIG_Admin 2020/07/17 @ 19:03:43a -------------------------------- What was learned?        (select only this node)     N_20200717190247a_BIG_Admin->N_20200717190343a_BIG_Admin N_20200717190247b_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 19:02:47b -------------------------------- The importance of listening to audiences and colleagues        (select only this node)     N_20200717190247a_BIG_Admin->N_20200717190247b_BIG_Members N_20200717205853a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:58:53a -------------------------------- Be proactive        (select only this node)     N_20200717203534a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:35:34a -------------------------------- Get training, be prepared, think about your audience ahead.        (select only this node)     N_20200717205853a_BIG_Members->N_20200717203534a_BIG_Members N_20200717210121a_ColinWright    By ColinWright 2020/07/17 @ 21:01:21a -------------------------------- (Yes, both of these were in the exported discussion)        (select only this node)     N_20200717210050a_BIG_Members->N_20200717210121a_ColinWright N_20200717210434b_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 21:04:34b -------------------------------- Sometimes our well meaning failures impact the underrepresented audiences that we should aim to do our best for.        (select only this node)     N_20200717210434a_BIG_Members->N_20200717210434b_BIG_Members N_20200717210434c_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 21:04:34c -------------------------------- Even when they don't seem like a "priority" make it one        (select only this node)     N_20200722224425a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/22 @ 22:44:25a -------------------------------- Really interesting point - thanks for raising it. We should always make sure we don't harm people in our actions.        (select only this node)     N_20200717210434c_BIG_Members->N_20200722224425a_BIG_Members N_20200717202743a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:27:43a -------------------------------- Rehearsals help, and rehearsing with your intended audience is even better        (select only this node)     N_20200717190343a_BIG_Admin->N_20200717202743a_BIG_Members N_20200717201600a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:16:00a -------------------------------- Something I've learnt about myself - I am much more scared of how other people will react to my failure than to failing. I'm not scared of failure, I'm scared of being told off! Not sure what we can learn from that or how to get past it, but thought I'd share.        (select only this node)     N_20200717190343a_BIG_Admin->N_20200717201600a_BIG_Members N_20200717190343a_BIG_Admin->N_20200717190502a_BIG_Admin N_20200717204909a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:49:09a -------------------------------- We reflected on the pitfalls of giving a new audience too much choice/requiring them to provide input at the start of a project.        (select only this node)     N_20200717190343a_BIG_Admin->N_20200717204909a_BIG_Members N_20200717190343b_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 19:03:43b -------------------------------- Always think about the barriers that your audiences might face to participation - physical and otherwise.        (select only this node)     N_20200717190343a_BIG_Admin->N_20200717190343b_BIG_Members N_20200717202814a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:28:14a -------------------------------- Spilling milk can be funny...        (select only this node)     N_20200717190343a_BIG_Admin->N_20200717202814a_BIG_Members N_20200717190343a_BIG_Admin->N_20200717204344a_BIG_Members N_20200717211118a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 21:11:18a -------------------------------- Identify potential pitfalls or failures before the event/project. Sometimes it can help plan for them but other times it is just useful to know where things might go wrong even if you do your best to avoid it.        (select only this node)     N_20200717190343a_BIG_Admin->N_20200717211118a_BIG_Members N_20200717201734a_BIG_Admin    By BIG_Admin 2020/07/17 @ 20:17:34a -------------------------------- This is a place to share and learn from all those STEM communication experiences that, despite our best efforts ended up Fluffed* Up Beyond All Recognition.        (select only this node)     N_20200717201734b_BIG_Admin    By BIG_Admin 2020/07/17 @ 20:17:34b -------------------------------- Use this as your chance to finally get those FUBARs off your chest, read about other people's 'epic fails' and reflect on the amazing learning and development that can inadvertently stem from experiences that didn't go exactly to plan.        (select only this node)     N_20200717201734a_BIG_Admin->N_20200717201734b_BIG_Admin N_20200717190247b_BIG_Members->N_20200717203534a_BIG_Members N_20200717203101a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:31:01a -------------------------------- Getting 'buy-in' from others/other teams can sometimes be key        (select only this node)     N_20200717190247b_BIG_Members->N_20200717203101a_BIG_Members N_20200717203721a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:37:21a -------------------------------- Get to know your audience - and ask a member of your intended audience for any feedback on content        (select only this node)     N_20200717190247b_BIG_Members->N_20200717203721a_BIG_Members N_20200717202601a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:26:01a -------------------------------- Don't assume you know what your audience wants, ask them!        (select only this node)     N_20200717190247b_BIG_Members->N_20200717202601a_BIG_Members N_20200717190247c_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 19:02:47c -------------------------------- Audiences don't always know what was intended        (select only this node)     N_20200717190247b_BIG_Members->N_20200717190247c_BIG_Members N_20200717190247d_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 19:02:47d -------------------------------- learning and getting better Progress not perfection        (select only this node)     N_20200717190247c_BIG_Members->N_20200717190247d_BIG_Members N_20200717202934a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:29:34a -------------------------------- If somethings breaks / doesn't work, consider how you can do it in a different, maybe more simplistic way, you might even find its better in the end        (select only this node)     N_20200717190247c_BIG_Members->N_20200717202934a_BIG_Members N_20200717201958a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:19:58a -------------------------------- The audience often might not know something has gone 'wrong'        (select only this node)     N_20200717190247c_BIG_Members->N_20200717201958a_BIG_Members N_20200717190247c_BIG_Members->N_20200717210744a_BIG_Members N_20200717190247e_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 19:02:47e -------------------------------- rehearsals in the space and with the audience        (select only this node)     N_20200717190247d_BIG_Members->N_20200717190247e_BIG_Members N_20200717190247e_BIG_Members->N_20200717203534a_BIG_Members N_20200717190247f_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 19:02:47f -------------------------------- Failure is part of science so it's important to model this.        (select only this node)     N_20200717190247e_BIG_Members->N_20200717190247f_BIG_Members N_20200717190247f_BIG_Members->N_20200717210434a_BIG_Members N_20200717190247g_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 19:02:47g -------------------------------- Tensions about being the expert while still making mistakes.        (select only this node)     N_20200717190247f_BIG_Members->N_20200717190247g_BIG_Members N_20200717190247g_BIG_Members->N_20200717210744a_BIG_Members N_20200717205343a_BIG_Admin    By BIG_Admin 2020/07/17 @ 20:53:43a -------------------------------- What didn't work?        (select only this node)     N_20200717205343b_BIG_Admin    By BIG_Admin 2020/07/17 @ 20:53:43b -------------------------------- Why did it go wrong?        (select only this node)     N_20200717205343a_BIG_Admin->N_20200717205343b_BIG_Admin N_20200717190343c_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 19:03:43c -------------------------------- You won't know everything but a little thought goes a long way!        (select only this node)     N_20200717190343b_BIG_Members->N_20200717190343c_BIG_Members N_20200717205343b_BIG_Admin->N_20200717190343a_BIG_Admin N_20200717190502c_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 19:05:02c -------------------------------- Being creative to overcome barriers when you're forced to by circumstances can help us engage underrepresented groups        (select only this node)     N_20200717190502b_BIG_Members->N_20200717190502c_BIG_Members N_20200717190502d_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 19:05:02d -------------------------------- Zoom is a really difficult platform to share with your audience - no one really wants to listen to an hour lecture        (select only this node)     N_20200717190502c_BIG_Members->N_20200717190502d_BIG_Members N_20200717190502e_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 19:05:02e -------------------------------- Geat to hear that funders are being more open about engagement as a process where things can go wrong, rather than a guaranteed menu of things that "work"        (select only this node)     N_20200717190502d_BIG_Members->N_20200717190502e_BIG_Members N_20200717190502f_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 19:05:02f -------------------------------- Easy to focus on what goes wrong e.g. low engagement but people who did engage are more important and their positive experience matters        (select only this node)     N_20200717190502e_BIG_Members->N_20200717190502f_BIG_Members N_20200717190502e_BIG_Members->N_20200717204454a_BIG_Members N_20200722224253a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/22 @ 22:42:53a -------------------------------- I couldn't agree more. It's all about preparing those around you for when things might not go as planned.        (select only this node)     N_20200717201600a_BIG_Members->N_20200722224253a_BIG_Members N_20200717202307a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:23:07a -------------------------------- BIG is a fantastic community to share things that have gone well, not so well and to ask for advice        (select only this node)     N_20200717201734b_BIG_Admin->N_20200717202307a_BIG_Members N_20200717184242a_BIG_Admin    By BIG_Admin 2020/07/17 @ 18:42:42a -------------------------------- Welcome to the FUBAR Wall !!        (select only this node)     N_20200717184242a_BIG_Admin->N_20200717205343a_BIG_Admin N_20200717184242a_BIG_Admin->N_20200717201734a_BIG_Admin N_20200717184242a_BIG_Admin->N_20200717190247a_BIG_Admin N_20200717184242a_BIG_Admin->N_20200717190215a_BIG_Members N_20200717201958a_BIG_Members->N_20200717210618a_BIG_Members N_20200717203222a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:32:22a -------------------------------- Style it out. "LIVE SCIENCE!" (jazz hands) = science sometimes doesn't behave how you expect        (select only this node)     N_20200717201958a_BIG_Members->N_20200717203222a_BIG_Members N_20200717202432a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:24:32a -------------------------------- regrouping and taking stock of how it went is really useful        (select only this node)     N_20200717202356a_BIG_Members->N_20200717202432a_BIG_Members N_20200717204042a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:40:42a -------------------------------- Reflecting on how you could have avoided the problems is always useful - even if it turns out that it was a one off        (select only this node)     N_20200717202432a_BIG_Members->N_20200717204042a_BIG_Members N_20200717202601a_BIG_Members->N_20200717203721a_BIG_Members N_20200717202601a_BIG_Members->N_20200717203534a_BIG_Members N_20200717203030a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:30:30a -------------------------------- Bring along backup equipment/quick fixes in case of equipment disasters        (select only this node)     N_20200717202743a_BIG_Members->N_20200717203030a_BIG_Members N_20200717202934a_BIG_Members->N_20200717203222a_BIG_Members N_20200717203258a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 20:32:58a -------------------------------- Science IS failure. We only discover new things through seeing what works and what doesn't work.        (select only this node)     N_20200717203222a_BIG_Members->N_20200717203258a_BIG_Members N_20200717203258a_BIG_Members->N_20200717204622a_BIG_Members N_20200717203534a_BIG_Members->N_20200717203534b_BIG_Members N_20200717203534a_BIG_Members->N_20200717203721a_BIG_Members N_20200717203534a_BIG_Members->N_20200717204152a_BIG_Members N_20200717203721a_BIG_Members->N_20200717203721b_BIG_Members N_20200717210909a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/17 @ 21:09:09a -------------------------------- Need time for evaluation, both at beginning and end of planning and delivering activity        (select only this node)     N_20200717204042a_BIG_Members->N_20200717210909a_BIG_Members N_20200717204646a_BIG_Members->N_20200717204708a_BIG_Members N_20200717204646a_BIG_Members->N_20200717210121a_ColinWright N_20200717204909a_BIG_Members->N_20200717204909b_BIG_Members N_20200717205041a_BIG_Members->N_20200717205041b_BIG_Members N_20200717210434b_BIG_Members->N_20200717210434c_BIG_Members N_20200722224346a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/22 @ 22:43:46a -------------------------------- And then you can learn from the things you forgot to include in your first evaluation, but turns out you really wanted to know ;)        (select only this node)     N_20200717210909a_BIG_Members->N_20200722224346a_BIG_Members N_20200722224148a_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/22 @ 22:41:48a -------------------------------- Good old Risk Assessment!        (select only this node)     N_20200717211118a_BIG_Members->N_20200722224148a_BIG_Members N_20200722224253b_BIG_Members    By BIG_Members 2020/07/22 @ 22:42:53b -------------------------------- I have to work really hard with my academic colleagues to reassure them it's OK if the project I've funded them to do doesn't go to plan.        (select only this node)     N_20200722224253a_BIG_Members->N_20200722224253b_BIG_Members