Most recent change of RingOfTetrahedra

Edit made on January 17, 2009 by derekcouzens at 13:45:29

Deleted text in red / Inserted text in green

A ring of an even number of tetrahedra will flex in a pleasantly satisfying manner.

A video of the flexing of six stretched tetrahedra can be seen at:

An animation of the flexing of six stretched tetrahedra can be seen at:
[[[> IMG:Tetrahedra.png ]]]

Here is the net for the ring of eight tetrahedra.

A preprinted net can be downloaded from: DOC:tetrahedron.docx

Each tetrahedron will be made from a single colour. The empty triangles should be hidden in the gluing. The final joining of the ring should be undertaken with sellotape or similar because there is some stressing involved in flexing.
A good model can be make from moderately thin card. Each tetrahedron will be made from a single colour. The empty triangles should be hidden in the gluing. The final joining of the ring should be undertaken with sellotape or similar because there is some stressing involved in flexing.

One of the enrichment tasks on this site.