Most recent change of Proof

Edit made on March 14, 2017 by ColinWright at 13:23:50

Deleted text in red / Inserted text in green

A proof is a mathematical statement which has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of enough mathematicians of repute normally using the standard methods of mathematical logic, deduction and induction.
People will talk about axioms and rules of deduction, and say
that a proof consists of (effectively) a web of statements, each
of which is either an axiom, or the result of applying a rule of
deduction/derivation from earlier statements.

Well, perhaps, in theory, yes.

In practice, that's not how it ~works. It's much murkier.
A proof is a mathematical statement which has been demonstrated
to the satisfaction of enough mathematicians of repute normally
using the standard methods of mathematical logic, deduction and

Such a statement is then normally called a theorem.

Here is a list of pages on proofs:

* Proof by induction
* Proof by contradiction
* Proof that e is irrational
* Pi is irrational
* Root two is irrational