Most recent change of ModellingSunriseAndSunsetTimes

Edit made on November 13, 2008 by derekcouzens at 17:15:18

Deleted text in red / Inserted text in green

!! Modelling Sunrise and Sunset Times

The graph of the sunrise and sunset times in London (U.K.) throughout the year is shown on the site below:
The graphs of the sunrise and sunset times in London (U.K.) throughout the year are shown below:



Can you explain the kinks in the curve?

Accurate data for various locations can be found at

By making a simple adjustment, the sunrise and sunset times for London (U.K.) (without kinks !!!) can be modelled using the sine function.

Consider the sine function: EQN:f(x)={a}\sin(bx+c)+d

The project is to choose the values of the coefficients !/ a, b, c !/ and /d/ to best model
the annual cycle of sunrise (or sunset) times in London (U.K.).


* On what dates are the vernal equinox and autumnal equinox?
* On what dates are summer solstice and winter solstice?
* Consider how the graph changes for Peterborough (U.K.) a city 75 miles North of London (U.K.)
* Find the functions that best models the sunrise and sunset times at Peterborough (UK).
* Consider how the graph changes for Bristol (U.K.), a city 107 miles West of London (U.K.)
* By looking at the data, test your predictions.
* Investigate how change of latitude alters the graph of the sunrise and sunset times.
* Investigate how change of longitude alters the graph of the sunrise and sunset times.
This is one of the many Enrichment tasks on this site.