Most recent change of MathsJam-SpeakerRequirements

Edit made on June 12, 2017 by ColinWright at 17:55:53

Deleted text in red / Inserted text in green

Speakers at Maths Jam should list your specifications and needs here.
See the main mathsjam site:

Some equipment to consider:

* Overhead projector
* Computer
* Whiteboard
* Flip Chart
* Paper for use by speaker
* Drywipe Pens
* Pen and paper to be used by guests
* Display Table

| Speaker's Name | Time of Presentation | Specifications |
| e.g. Felix Klein | 25:69 | * Overhead projector * Computer * Whiteboard * Flip Chart * I will require no introduction and just follow on from the previous speaker however I would like "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" to be played as I make my way to the front |
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