Most recent change of Identity

Edit made on February 23, 2009 by derekcouzens at 18:35:27

Deleted text in red / Inserted text in green

The Identity or Identity element is a special element of a set under a binary operation which when combined with any element of a set results in the same element.

Normally denoted by e.

If in a set A under a binary operation * there exists an element e such that for all a EQN:\in\ A then a * e = a then e is called the identity element.

Some care has to be taken if the operation is non-commutative when the definition above specifically defines what is called the right-identity.

The left identity is defined as that element such that for all a EQN:\in\ A then e * a = a.

The identity element of the set of integers under the binary operation of addition is the number zero.


Enrichment Task

What is the identity element of the set of integers under the binary operation of multiplication?