Most recent change of FamousPeople

Edit made on October 30, 2008 by derekcouzens at 15:50:54

Deleted text in red / Inserted text in green

Search for links to this page (in the box at top-right) to get a list of the Famous Mathematicians and Scientists listed in this archive.
* Archimedes
* Thomas Bayes
* James Bradley
* Tycho Brahe
* Georg Cantor
* Gerolamo Cardano
* Augustin Cauchy
* Nicholas Copernicus
* Julius Dedekind
* Diophantus of Alexandria
* Albert Einstein
* Eratosthenes of Cyrene
* Euclid of Alexandria
* Eudoxus of Cnidus
* Leonhard Euler
* Michael Faraday
* Pierre de Fermat
* Lodovico Ferrari
* Scipione del Ferro
* Fibonacci
* Jean Foucault
* Galileo Galilei
* Evariste Galois
* Carl Fredrich Gauss
* John Harrison
* Jeremiah Horrocks
* Johannes Kepler
* Isaac Newton