Most recent change of Equation
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An equation is any statement with an equals sign in it.
A simplified classification of equations could include:
Equations come in a variety of flavours. A simple (and simplistic) classification of equations could include:
!! Equations
Mathematical statement which is true for a limited number of values of its variable.
EQN:3x+2=-7 is true for one value of the variable x
EQN:sin(x)=0.5 is true for an infinite number but not all of values of x
* EQN:3x+2=-7 is true for one value of the variable x
* EQN:sin(x)=0.5 is true for an infinite number but not all of values of x
!! Identities
Statements which are true for all values of the variable.
e.g. EQN:3(x+2)=3x+6
* EQN:3(x+2)=3x+6
* EQN:2^n=\sum_{i=0}^{i=n}{n\choose~i}
!! Propositions
Statements which are either true or false
* 2 + 3 = 5
* 1 + 1 = 3
2 + 3 = 5
1 + 1 = 3
However, this does not include differential equations, integral equations, functions etc.
However, this classification does not include differential equations, integral equations, functions, /etc./