Most recent change of TestPage

Edit made on August 25, 2017 by Tori at 23:38:54

Deleted text in red / Inserted text in green

!! Tori was here!! :D

Have a go and see what happens!

* Start a line with a splat to make a bullet point
** two splats for extra indent

!! Titles!

| Tables | are |
| also | possible. |


You can *bold* and /italic/ as well. _Underline?_


Note: there are rules about when they work - they don't turn on and off,
they affect the thing they "hug". Try a few things, or leave a question
for me here.
We have MathJax as well for simplistic $\LaTeX$ embedding.

If you screw up it's easy to revert changes via the page history link at
the bottom of every page, so don't worry about making mistakes - all part
of learning, and easy to recover from.

Have a go!