Graph Colouring Algorithms

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Since graph three-colouring is an NP-Complete problem we can expect that there has been a lot of work on finding efficient algorithms. We are only interested in exact algorithms that are guaranteed to find a three-colouring, if it exists.

Trivialy we can accomplish this by a $3^n$ algorithm:

We can clearly improve that to $2^n$ as follows.

Assume the graph is connected and has at least two vertices. Then

If we always choose a vertex that has at least one coloured neighbour then this is bounded above by $2^n.$ Other algorithms improve the $2^n$ bound, but are still exponential.

As mentioned, we can apply heuristics at each stage to the vertices we choose. If the endpoints of our initial edge have large degree then they have lots of implications for reducing the options elsewhere. Similarly, when we choose the next possible vertex to colour we can choose a vertex of large degree. This might help, but we can construct examples where it doesn't. In random graphs, it probably will.

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