G 3 C

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Graph Vertex Colouring is the task of, given a graph $G,$ assigning to each vertex of $G$ a "colour" such that for every edge $uv$ of $G,$ the vertices $u$ and $v$ get different colours.

Given a graph $G=(V,E)$ and a set of colours $C$, a "colouring" is a function $f:V\to C$ such that for every $\{u,v\}\in E$, $f(u)\ne f(v)$.

If $|C|=k$ then $f$ is said to be a $k$-colouring and $G$ is said to be $k$-colourable. We observe that if $G$ is $k$-colourable then it is $k_0$-colourable for every $k_0\ge k$.

Given a graph, the question of whether it can be coloured using only 0, 1, or 2 colours is trivial. The question of whether a graph $G$ can be coloured using 3 (or more) colours is NP-Complete.

We focus a lot on Graph 3-Colouring as the first difficult case, and can show fairly quickly that it's equivalent to having more colours anyway.
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